lasa interne
LASA - Laboratorio Acceleratori e Superconduttività Applicata
Sezione di Milano

Activities & Research

The LASA primary mission is the development of superconducting systems for large basic and applied research infrastructures based on particle accelerators. At the frontier of today's technology, for the Science of tomorrow.

RF Superconductivity

Technological research and development of superconducting radio frequency cavities for particle acceleration.

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Superconducting Magnets

Research and technological development of magnets for particle accelerators and detectors. From the superconductor wire to the magnet design.

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Laser & Plasma Acceleration

Research activities aimed at the study and development of main elements of laser based accelerators mainly for medical applications.

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Physics Applied to Medicine and Environment

Research aimed at optimizing the production of radionuclides with high specific activities for applications in nuclear medicine.

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