lasa interne
LASA - Laboratorio Acceleratori e Superconduttività Applicata
Sezione di Milano

Superconducting Magnets - EUCARD2



Il progetto EuCARD-2 is an Integrating Activity Project for coordinated Research and Development on Particle Accelerators, co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Capacities Programme. This project will contribute to positioning European accelerator infrastructures at the forefront of global research.
The project has 40 partners from 15 European countries, including Russia. The list of partners include 10 accelerator laboratories, 23 technology institutes/universities, 5 scientific research institutes and 2 industrial partners.

The LASA magnet group participates to the program testing in the LASA infrastructures a superconducting dipole magnet wound with high temperature superconductor. This magnet will demonstrate the capabilities to use high temperature superconductors for the future generations of colliders for high energy physics.

The LASA team is also involved in simulation and study to develop new materials able to resist to hard radiation exposure in accelerator environment.

Eucard2 Website